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Ocular Disease

We provide diagnosis, treatment and management of diseases which affect the human eye and visual system.  Some examples include:

Dry Eye Syndrome

Occurs when the normal flow of tears over the eyes is interrupted, or the tear film is abnormal.  In many cases, dry eye syndrome is a life long problem.  You can relieve the symptoms, but not cure the original cause.  Artificial tear lubricants, nutritional supplements prescription drops, oral medications or in some cases blocking the tear ducts will concentrate the limited tears that are available.


A disease that causes fibers in the optic nerve to slowly atrophy & die.  The most common type of glaucoma is associated with an elevation of pressure within the eye.  As nerve fibers die the person loses peripheral vision and, if left untreated, eventually can lose all vision.  The most common treatment for glaucoma is eye drops that lower the eye pressure.

Conjunctivitis (“Pink Eye”)

A condition that exists when the white of the eye is infected or inflamed, and then irritation makes the eye look red  the primary sight of an eye irritant.  The eye may become red due to bacteria, allergy, virus, or chemical insult.  The treatment depends upon the cause.  Some forms of conjunctivitis must run their course but the uncomfortable symptoms can be treated.

A clouding or opacity of the natural internal lens of the eye.  This opacity may be a small spot or involve the entire lens.  When light enters the eye it is scattered, causing images to appear hazy and blurred.  There are many different types of cataracts.  Here the opacity forms first is the periphery of the lens and develops inward, like spokes of a wheel.  Ultimately, the best  treatment is to remove the cataract lens and replace it with an acrylic man made lens.

Macular Degeneration
A condition in which the central part of the back of the eye loses blood circulation.  It is considered a natural aging process.  There is a breakdown of cells in the macular region.  As the disease progresses, central vision diminishes.  It's believed this breakdown may be due to a lack of nutrients being supplied to the region. Additional studies have found a genetic link to this disease.  Treatment can range from better nutritional management, sometimes to include a tablet containing the primary minerals & vitamins that are found lacking in many macular degenerated patients.

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